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The LIVE festival has ended, but you can listen to Alicia’s show and Craig’s show below.
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The Divine Laughter Club here to own all the recordings as well as a whole gazzamble of other awesome gifts.
Alicia Dattner, Eat, Pray, Kvetch, Grow, Cry, Laugh
Sarah Sweet, Quarter-Life Crisis Comedy
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Carrie Snow, Got Your Namaste Right Here
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Alan Clements, Spiritually Incorrect
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Katie Rubin, Irreverent Comedy, Reverent Healing
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Laura House, Spiritual Smartass
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Scott Grace, Conscious, Vibration-Raising Comedy & Song
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Want more? Enjoy these laughter-inducing videos:
Thomas Meli: Laughing Buddha (recorded after he discovered Laughter Yoga, listening to our show with Dr. Kataria)
A Group of People: Chain of Laughter
Vir: Sensitive People (song)
Vir: Man from Marin (song)
Ellen DeGeneres: Phone call to God
Arj Barker: The Sickest Buddhist (song)
Alicia Dattner: The Oy of Sex
Bill Hicks: Just a Ride
- A Group of People: Contagious Subway Laughter